Calm of the storm

I am just waiting for her to throw a bomb at us again.  I am very much tired of this.  This blog is the reason I have not snapped at my husband.  I was just appalled at her asking my hubby for money for our middle son’s football camp.  Yet she would pay in FULL for the oldest child’s football gear.  She gives him a DAY to decide on this.  He told her the middle son CAN do this but SHE has to pay and transport the child.  Of course she LIES and tells our son that my hubby said no.  It is enough of these lies.   I pray for her.  I really do.  Seems kind of weird but for our sons’ sakes.  She always likes to make my hubby look bad.  It is just too much at times.  I wish we didn’t have to even exchange the kids with her. I would rather have a police officer do it because when she talks to us, there is always another motive. Once again she looks like she is the hero to her son with a helping of a big FAT lie.

Author: balancemedicine

Child of God, wife, stepmom, furbaby mom, and nurse practitioner

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